Conversion of Units of Measurement
Metric prefixes
m | (mili) | 10-3 | | k | (kilo) | 103 |
micro (µ) | (micro) | 10-6 | | M | (mega) | 106 |
n | (nano) | 10-9 | | G | (giga) | 109 |
p | (pico) | 10-12 | | T | (tera) | 1012 |
f | (femto) | 10-15 | | P | (peta) | 1015 |
a | (atto) | 10-18 | | E | (exa) | 1018 |
z | (zepto) | 10-21 | | Z | (zeta) | 1021 |
| | | | Y | (yotta) | 1024 |
It is worth to look on web-site of National High Magnetic Field Laboratory to imagine effect of the "power of ten": our world in different scales.
See also: /web-links/