This bulletin board is for advertisements about willingness to get or to order smth (things, services) for money (in exchange, etc. but NOT FOR FREE). Minimal contact data is enough here.
If you are looking for an advice or for smth to get for free, please use the "Biology" or "Pep talk" forums. For small teams and persons who want to sell/present smth there is the "Want to sell/present" bulletin board. For serious companies there is the "Companies" catalogue.
pointing the cursor on the name of the field would launch the prompt indicating max. size;
* — obligatory fields
About yourself |
Title | | it is better to give your real name — most people feel uncomfortable to address a person by a forum username in e-mails |
First & Last names* | |
Degree and position | | acad. degrees: M.Sc., B.Sc., Ph.D., M.D., etc. positions: graduate student, PhD student, technician, postdoc, manager, group leader, head of the laboratory, head of the department, head of the institute, etc. |
Country, City | |
Institute, Company, Lab. | |
| NB!* It is necessary to indicate some contact data! |
E-mail(s) / | | if 'antispam' is on, the e-mail address would be hidden from spamers; mail would be sent by a forum program so that the author of the mail would not see the address; if there are several e-mails or telephones, separate them with commas |
Telephone(s) | |
Description of what you need. |
NB! please, select carefully, the same list is used in search settings. Several variants may be marked.
Your location*
Mark the area your advertisement refers to.
What is required?* the advertisement should describe what exactly you want to order, work terms, payment conditions, etc.; your postal address may be also placed here; you may format the text; max. size — 1000 characters or 20 lines |
[] Close all Tags*

post length / max. size in characters: / 2000